~~NOTOC~~ ====== BNC Adapter ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Store Page = https://digilent.com/shop/bnc-adapter-for-analog-discovery/ | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilentinc.com/forum/8-scopes-instruments/ | Title = BNC Adapter | Subtitle = BNC Probe Adapter | Header = Features | Bullet = Allows the use of standard BNC-terminated test leads & probes on your Analog Discovery | Bullet = Selectable AC and DC coupling to oscilloscope probes | Bullet = Selectable 50-ohm or 0-ohm output impedance on arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) channels | Bullet = Differential scope inputs of the Analog Discovery become single-ended with the negative input connected to the ground. | Header = Physical | Width = 2.36 in (6.0 cm) | Length = 2.36 in (6.0 cm) | Header = Documentation | Reference Manual = [[test-and-measurement/bnc-adapter-board/reference-manual|Wiki ]] | Schematic = {{:reference:test-and-measurement:bnc-adapter-board:bnc_adapter_sch.pdf|PDF Rev. B}} \\ {{ :reference:test-and-measurement:bnc-adapter-board:discovery_bnc_sch.pdf |PDF Rev. C}} | Mechanical Drawing = {{:reference:test-and-measurement:bnc-adapter-board:discovery_bnc_mech.pdf|PDF }} }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Tutorials ===== {{topic>bnc-adapter +tutorial}} ---- /* ===== Example Projects ===== ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== {{topic>bnc-adapter +user-guide}} ---- */ {{tag>instrumentation adapter bnc-adapter analog-discovery resource-center}}