~~NOTOC~~ ====== Analog Discovery (Legacy) ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Getting Started = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYgFKIsrOYQ | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilentinc.com/forum/8-scopes-instruments/ | Title = Analog Discovery | Subtitle = 100MS/s USB Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer | Header = Oscilloscope | Channels = 2 | Resolution = 14-bit | Sample Rate = 100 MS/s | Header = Arbitrary Waveform Generator | Channels = 2 | Header = Logic Analyzer | Channels = 16 | Header = Pattern Generator | Channels = 16 | Header = Programmable Power Supply | Channels = 2 | Output Voltage = ±5VDC | Header = Misc | Bullet = Network Analyzer | Bullet = Spectrum Analyzer | Header = Software | WaveForms = [[software/waveforms/waveforms-3/start | WaveForms]] | Header = Pinout | Full Row = {{ :analog_discovery_2:analogdiscovery2-pinout-600.png?nolink&450}} }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Tutorials ===== /*Most tutorials in this list are shared with the Analog Discovery Studio and Analog Discovery Legacy, and are embedded from a section of test-and-measurement/guides/start*/ {{section>test-and-measurement:guides:start#analog_discovery_tutorials}} * [[test-and-measurement:bnc-adapter-board:getting-started-guide]] * [[test-and-measurement:bb-adapter-board:getting-started-guide]] * [[test-and-measurement:analog-discovery:guides:ohms-law]] * [[test-and-measurement:analog-discovery:guides:ohms-law-and-voltage-current-characteristics]] ---- ===== Third Party Software Support ===== * [[test-and-measurement:guides:getting-started-with-labview]] * [[software:waveforms:waveforms-sdk:thingspeak]] ---- ===== Accessories ===== === Breadboard Adapter === The Breadboard Adapter, featuring a small breadboard that connects to the Analog Discovery, is a way to easily set up and demonstrate portable circuits. For more information, see the [[test-and-measurement:bb-adapter-board:start|Breadboard Adapter's Resource Center]]. === Breadboard Breakout === The Breadboard Breakout allows the pins of the Analog Discovery to be directly connected to a breadboard. For more information, see the [[test-and-measurement:analog-discovery-2-breadboard-breakout:start|Breadboard Breakout's Resource Center]]. === BNC Adapter === The BNC Adapter allows standard BNC-terminated test leads and probes to be used with the Analog Discovery. For more information, see the [[test-and-measurement:bnc-adapter-board:start|BNC Adapter's Resource Center]]. === Impedance Analyzer === The Impedance Analyzer Adapter for the Analog Discovery makes WaveForms' Impedance Analyzer instrument easier to use by providing the reference resistors and relays required for the instrument's use. The appropriate reference circuit for the job is automatically selected. **Note:** //The Impedance Analyzer requires an up-to-date version of WaveForms.// For more information, see the [[add-ons:impedance-analyzer:start|Impedance Analyzer's Resource Center]]. ---- ===== Example Projects ===== {{topic>analog-discovery +project}} [[https://www.mathworks.com/help/daq/examples/getting-started-generating-data-with-digilent-analog-discovery.html|Getting Started with the Analog Discovery and MatLAB]] ---- {{tag>instrumentation start analog-discovery resource-center}}