~~NOTOC~~ ====== Zmod Digitizer ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Store Page = https://digilent.com/shop/zmod-digitizer-1430-125 | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilent.com/forum/4-fpga/ | Title = Zmod Digitizer | Subtitle = SYZYGY-compatible Dual-channel 14-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Module | Header = Features | Channels = 2 | Channel type = Single-ended | Resolution = 14-bit | Input Range = ±1 V | Absolute Resolution = 0.13 mV | Sample Rate = 125 MS/s, max | Input Impedance = 1 MΩ || 5 pF | Analog Bandwidth = 60+ MHz @ -3 dB \\ 20 MHz @ -0.5 dB \\ 8 MHz @ -0.1 dB | Input Protected To = ±50 V | Header = SYZYGY™ Compatibility | Version = Syzygy 1.1 \\ Syzygy DNA 1.1 | Compatibility Table = [[reference-manual#the_syzygy_compatibility_table|In Reference Manual]] | Header = Physical Dimensions | Width = 45 mm | Length = 70 mm | Header = Product Compliance | HTC = 8473301180 | ECCN = EAR99 }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Documentation ===== * [[/zmod/digitizer/reference-manual]] * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/zmod/digitizer/zmod_digitizer_sch.pdf|Zmod Digitizer Schematic}} * {{https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-library/blob/master/ip/Zmods/ZmodDigitizerController/docs/ZmodDigitizerController.pdf|Zmod Digitizer Controller User Guide}} ---- ===== Support Materials ===== * [[https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-library|Digilent's Vivado IP Library]] * The vivado-library IP repository contains the ZmodDigitizerController IP core, which can be used to interface with the Zmod. It handles the initial configuration of the Zmod and provides a standard AXI4-stream interface for digitized data. * [[using-scope-projects]] * No projects built around the Zmod Digitizer are provided by Digilent. You can follow the guide above to adapt demos originally created to work with the Zmod Scope to work with the Zmod Digitizer. * [[https://github.com/Digilent/dpmutil|Digilent Platform Management Utility (dpmutil)]] * The dpmutil repository on Github contains software sources that can be used with a suitable baremetal software project to extract calibration coefficients from SYZYGY DNA. * [[/programmable-logic/eclypse-z7/waveforms]] * When used with the Eclypse Z7, the Zmod Digitizer can be used with WaveForms. ---- ===== Compatible Digilent Host Boards ===== * [[programmable-logic:eclypse-z7:start]] * [[programmable-logic:genesys-zu:start]] * [[programmable-logic:usb104a7:start]] ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/zmod/digitizer/zmod_digitizer_mechanical.zip|Zmod Digitizer Mechanical Drawings}} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/zmod/digitizer/zmod_digitizer_3d.zip|Zmod Digitizer 3D Model}} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/zmod/digitizer/Declaration+of+Conformity+Zmod+Digitizer+1430-125.pdf|Zmod Digitizer 1430-125 Declaration of Conformity}} ---- {{tag>resource-center}}