~~NOTOC~~ ====== Zybo Z7 ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Store Page = https://digilent.com/shop/zybo-z7-zynq-7000-arm-fpga-soc-development-board/ | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilentinc.com/forum/4-fpga/ | Title = Zybo Z7 | Subtitle = Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC Development Board | Header = Features | Bullet = Full support for Vivado, including tool integration, example projects and tutorials | Bullet = 667MHz dual-core Cortex-A9 processor with tightly integrated Xilinx FPGA | Bullet = 1 GB DDR3L with 32-bit bus @ 1066 MHz | Bullet = Wide range of USB, Ethernet, Video, and Audio connectivity | Bullet = Pmod connectors for adding-on hardware devices | Bullet = Pcam connector for attaching camera sensors with MIPI CSI-2 interface | Bullet = Programmable from JTAG, Quad-SPI flash, and microSD card | Header = Key FPGA Specifications | Part Number = XC7Z020-1CLG400C (XC7Z010-1CLG400C*) | Logic slices = 13,300 (4,400*) | 6-input LUTs = 53,200 (17,600*) | Flip-Flops = 106,400 (35,200*) | Block RAM = 630 KB (270 KB*) | DSP Slices = 220 (80*) | Clock Resources = Zynq PLL with 4 outputs \\ 4 PLLs (2 PLLs*) \\ 4 MMCMs (2 MMCMs*) \\ 125 MHz external clock | Internal ADC = Dual-channel, 1 MSPS | Bullet = (* -7010 variant value in parentheses when different) | Header = Connectivity and On-board I/O | Video = HDMI Output\\ HDMI Input \\ Pcam connector | Networking = Gigabit Ethernet | USB = USB-UART \\ USB-JTAG Programmer \\ USB Host\OTG | Pmod Connectors = 6 (5*) | Switches = 4 Slide switches | Buttons = 4 Push buttons \\ 2 MIO Push buttons | LEDs = 4 LEDs \\ 1 MIO LED \\ 2 RGB LEDs (1*) | Bullet = (* -7010 variant value in parentheses when different) | Header = Electrical | Power = USB \\ 5V (2.5mm coaxial) supply | Logic Level = 3.3V | Header = Physical | Width = 3.3 in (88 mm) | Length = 4.8 in (122 mm) | Header = Product Compliance | HTC = 8471500150 | ECCN = 5A992.c }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Documentation ===== * [[programmable-logic/zybo-z7/reference-manual]] * [[learn/programmable-logic/doc/xilinx/zynq-datasheet]] * [[learn/programmable-logic/doc/xilinx/zynq-technical-reference-manual]] * [[learn/programmable-logic/doc/github/digilent-xdc]] * [[software/petalinux/start]] * [[software/revision/start]] * [[software/sdsoc/start]] * [[programmable-logic/zybo-z7/migration-guide]] * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/programmable-logic/zybo-z7/zybo-z7-d1-sch.pdf|Zybo Z7 Revision D.1 Schematic}} * {{reference/programmable-logic/zybo-z7/zybo_z7_sch-public.pdf|Zybo Z7 Revision B.2 Schematic}} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/programmable-logic/documents/MF17080V1-10000-G99_PCN.pdf|Product Change Notice - Fan}} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/programmable-logic/documents/RTL8211F_PCN.pdf|Product Change Notice - Ethernet PHY}} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/programmable-logic/documents/W25Q128JV_PCN.pdf|Product Change Notice - Flash Memory}} ---- ===== Tutorials ===== * [[programmable-logic:guides:installing-vivado-and-vitis]] * Walks through installing Vivado and Vitis, the development environments used to create hardware and software applications targeting Digilent FPGA development boards. * [[programmable-logic:guides:getting-started-with-ipi]] * Walks through using Vivado and Vitis to create a design in hardware and software that uses a processor to control buttons and LEDs. * [[programmable-logic:guides:getting-started-with-vivado]] * Walks through using Vivado to create a simple design that blinks a single LED. * [[learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/pmod-ips/start]] * Digilent Pmod IPs can be used to control connected Pmods from baremetal software. * It should be noted that not all Pmods are supported and that Pmod IPs are only supported in versions of Vivado 2019.1 and older. ---- ===== Example Projects ===== === Demos Supporting Vivado and Vitis 2020.1 === * [[./demos/dma-audio]] * [[./demos/hdmi]] * [[./demos/pmod-vga]] * [[./demos/xadc]] === Other Demos === * [[/learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/zybo-z7-pcam-5c-demo/start]] * Zybo Z7 OOB project: [[https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/18148-zybo-z7-20-factory-demo-program/|Digilent Forum thread]] * Zybo Z7-20 project using the Pmod SF3 and Pmod CLS created by user Tim S. on the Digilent Forum: [[https://forum.digilentinc.com/topic/20460-spi-memory-tester-ipi-bd-for-zynq/|Forum thread]] ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== * [[https://digilent.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/resources/whitepapers/EmbeddedVisionDemo.pdf|Embedded Vision Demo Whitepaper]] * Contains details of implementing an edge-detection algorithm using Vivado HLS. * Features the Zybo Z7-20 and [[add-ons:pcam-5c:start]]. * [[https://mautic.digilentinc.com/embedded-vision-workshop-download|Zybo Z7-10 HLS Video Processing Workshop]] * {{:reference:programmable-logic:zybo-z7:zybo_z7_dimensions.zip| Zybo Z7 Mechanical Drawings}} * [[https://vaxelinc.com/downloads/|VAXEL Resources]] * VAXEL-EZ boosts the productivity of algorithm verification processes on Digilent FPGA boards. The package includes a set of utility software that runs on Windows to facilitate tasks ranging from automation of FPGA synthesis to execution of tests. With VAXEL-EZ, no FPGA expertise is needed to take full advantage of the Digilent FPGA boards. ---- {{tag>programmable-logic programmable-logic-start zybo-z7 resource-center}}