~~NOTOC~~ ====== Cmod S7 ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Store Page = https://digilent.com/shop/cmod-s7-breadboardable-spartan-7-fpga-module/ | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilentinc.com/forum/4-fpga/ | Title = Cmod S7 | Subtitle = Breadboardable Spartan-7 FPGA Module | Header = Features | Bullet = Full support for Vivado, including tool integration, example projects and tutorials | Bullet = Breadboardable with 48-pin DIP form factor header | Bullet = Pmod connector for add-on hardware devices | Bullet = Programmable from JTAG and Quad-SPI flash | Header = Key FPGA Specifications | Part Number = XC7S25-1CSGA225C | Logic Slices = 3,650 | 6-input LUTs = 14,600 | Flip-Flops = 29,200 | Block RAM = 1,620 Kb | DSP Slices = 80 | Clock Resources = 3 PLLs \\ 3 MMCMs \\ 12 MHz external clock | Internal ADC = Dual-channel, 1 MSPS, connected to DIP pins 32 and 33 | Header = Connectivity and On-board I/O | USB = USB-UART \\ USB-JTAG programmer | Pmod Connectors = 1 | Other Connectors = 48-pin DIP form factor header with 36 pins populated | Buttons = 2 Push buttons | LEDs = 4 LEDs, 1 RGB LED | Header = Electrical | Power Inputs = USB or 5V external source connected to DIP pin 24 | Logic Level = 3.3V | Header = Physical | Width = 0.7 in (1.78 cm) | Length = 3.05 in (7.75 cm) | Header = Design Resources | Mechanical Drawing = {{:reference:programmable-logic:cmod-s7:cmod_s7_dimensions.zip| DXF }} | Header = Product Compliance | Width = 8473301180 | Length = EAR99 }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Documentation ===== {{topic>cmod-s7 +doc}} ---- ===== Tutorials ===== * [[programmable-logic:guides:installing-vivado-and-vitis]] * Walks through installing Vivado and Vitis, the development environments used to create hardware and software applications targeting Digilent FPGA development boards. * [[programmable-logic:guides:getting-started-with-ipi]] * Walks through using Vivado and Vitis to create a design in hardware and software that uses a processor to control buttons and LEDs. * [[programmable-logic:guides:getting-started-with-vivado]] * Walks through using Vivado to create a simple design that blinks a single LED. * [[learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/pmod-ips/start]] * Digilent Pmod IPs can be used to control connected Pmods from baremetal software. * It should be noted that not all Pmods are supported and that Pmod IPs are only supported in versions of Vivado 2019.1 and older. ---- ===== Example Projects ===== {{topic>cmod-s7 +project}} ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== * {{reference:programmable-logic:cmod-s7:cmods7.zip|Cmod S7 Step file}} * {{:reference:programmable-logic:cmod-s7:cmod_s7_dimensions.zip|Cmod S7 Mechanical Drawing }} ---- {{tag>programmable-logic programmable-logic-start cmod-s7 resource-center}}